Thursday, March 10, 2011

On Lenten Disciplines....

I got married during Lent, so I've always been a little irritated with my husband that he gives up chocolate for Lent. I asked the question of him, "Why should our anniversary celebration be 'ruined' by your Lenten discipline?" His reply, "Well, this isn't about you, is it? It's about Him." How do you argue with that? People often talk of "giving something up" for Lent... but what is that really about? And the more I think about it, the more I realize that it's the discipline part of it all that makes it valuable. Lenten disciplines are about thinking before you act. They are about getting off of auto-pilot and making purposeful choices about how we live our lives. It could be choosing not to eat or drink a certain kind of food. It could be about taking on a new task, like bible reading, devotions, or volunteering in a new way. No matter what we choose, Lenten disciplines are designed to bring us closer to God, and maybe even closer to one another. So while I have taken on this blog as a part of my Lenten discipline, I will be content with whatever choices my husband makes for his own spiritual journey. Does that mean I'll give up chocolate? No, but I will make every effort to not eat or talk about chocolate in front of him, and to hide my stash really well. As for me, I'll work very hard to keep track of the ways that I encounter God every day, and to share with all of you what I learned today. Peace in Christ, Deb

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