Tuesday, May 27, 2014

New Series - Moving Musings 2014

So many of you know that in about two months, my husband and I will be moving... again.

As a United Methodist minister and military spouse, I have understood for most of my adult life that adjusting to change would be my most valuable tool. It's been 23 years since I graduated from seminary and 19 years of life as an Air Force dependent, and still, when it's time for the process to begin again, I am filled with all kinds of thoughts about what this life is like, including, "What, again?"

So this year I am going to submit random thoughts on what this kind of life means to me and, more importantly, what I am learning from it.

So stay tuned... I'm awake until very late most nights and hopefully putting these various rambling thoughts into words will make my life a little more peaceful.

I'm already working on the first post... here's a tease - The Long Goodbye.



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