Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sermon - A Circle of Trust - Advent 4

Luke 1: 26-56                                                                      December 21, 2014                  

In the early 1980’s an article was published in The Christian Century which claimed Mary as a significant role model for women.  One pastor wrote back, saying “that would be tragic.  Half of humanity would miss Luke’s point.”  Luke perceived Mary as a significant role model for all of us, women and men alike.  Every day we find that the world cannot possibly live up to its promises or our expectations.  People we trust let us down, situations are not what they seem, and we find ourselves desperately in need of direction and hope. 

But Luke points out to us someone who is very much like us.  He gives us Mary, as mother of our
Lord, and as example of the faithful trust.  Mary heard the angel’s word, she believed, and she acted out that trust in discipleship.  She responded to God’s word, both in song and in deed, as she brought into the world a Savior, who we call Christ the Lord.

Everybody who has ever given birth to a child has a birth story. Whether it’s going into labor, getting to the hospital (or sometimes not getting there), the circumstances surrounding the delivery, or something memorable that happened in the aftermath, some of the most often-told stories are those about being born. And none of us has a birth story any more remarkable than the story about Jesus’ birth.

I imagine it was a pretty stressful day or week or month for Mary.  An angel visitation, a disturbing message, an unusual burden to bear.  And while she was convinced by the angel’s explanation, I’m sure that she needed confirmation to make sure that it was not all a dream.  So in the verses after today’s reading, she took off to see Elizabeth.  Maybe she needed to confirm what the angel had told her about Elizabeth’s pregnancy.  Maybe she needed to say, “You’re not going to believe this, but…”  What a wonderful trusting relationship to share -- being able to have Elizabeth know without even being told all that Mary was going through.  What a safe place to stay -- a place to process all that had happened so far and all that would happen in the future.

Our children’s Christmas pageant today reminds of the characters in the story and how Jesus came to the young and old, rich and poor alike. But in all likelihood, it was not quite the silent night we sing about each year. Afraid and alone except for her husband, Mary gave birth to a son in uncertain circumstance, and that was only the beginning of the story.

The Blue Madonna
Chartres Cathedral, France
Who of us would really want to be in Mary’s shoes?  Pregnant out of wedlock in a society that didn’t tolerate that kind of behavior.  About to marry a man she hardly knew, bringing a ready-made family into the world, and all at the will of God.  How Mary must have trusted the Lord!  Trusted God to know that in the end it would be OK... that in the end the Lord’s word and work would be fulfilled. 

Would any of us want to be in Mary’s shoes, knowing that her son would be born in less than honorable circumstances far away from home? Knowing that her husband would die before her son reached the age of adulthood, and that Jesus would leave the family business to become an itinerant preacher? Who of us would be happy to see him followed around by a band of disciples who never seemed to get the point of his teachings?

Would any of us want to be Mary, seeing her son convicted and sentenced to die, then sitting at the foot of the cross, watching and waiting for the angel’s word to be fulfilled?

The circle of trust that existed between Mary and God was not just born as she carried her son and gave birth in that stable in Bethlehem.  It was not just lived out as she dressed him and fed him and played with him and educated him in her home.  It was a circle that extended out as she and Joseph dedicated him at the Temple, and looked for him when he had gone back to talk to the rabbis.  And it went out further as she became a part of his ministry, traveling with him throughout the Gallilean and Judean countrysides.  And it was fulfilled as she saw that same son, our Savior, die. 

And because his life did not end in that moment, in his resurrection, she must have felt and believed more fully those words which rang out even before his birth, “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his ancestor David.   He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end."

The song of Mary rings forth in the world.  It is a song of hope, of faith, and of trust that God will not abandon God’s people.  Let it also be the song sung out in our hearts.  Let us a people a people who can sing “My soul magnifies the Lord,  and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed;  for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.”  And let us believe it and mean it, and live it out every day.  

Let the circle of trust be unbroken from day and forever more.  Amen.

Let us pray:

God of hope, who brought love into this world,
be the love that dwells between us.
God of hope, who brought peace into this world,
be the peace that dwells between us.
God of hope, who brought joy into this world,
be the joy that dwells between us.
God of hope, the rock we stand upon,
be the centre, the focus of our lives
always, and particularly this Advent time. In your name we pray, Amen.

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Friday, December 5, 2014

#AdventUs ~ Day 5

Sarah said, "God has brought laughter for me." (Genesis 21:6)

Sarah's laughter has come because she has finally gotten what she had waited her whole life for... a child... and who wouldn't laugh about that?

Lots of studies show that laughter really is some of the best medicine around, for physical, mental and spiritual well-being. But sometimes laughter is hard to come by.

We watch this program from the BBC called "Top Gear." It's about cars, so that makes my husband happy, so that makes me happy. These three middle aged men review cars, drive them in all kinds of crazy road test, and generally make fools of themselves while imparting a small drop of valuable knowledge each week.

And every once in a while, they do something that is so absolutely hilarious, I am literally crying before it's all said and done. For a while, we kept some of the episodes on our DVR so that we could watch them whenever we needed another good laugh. Which is kind of amazing, because even if you've seen them a dozen times, the really funny ones are still just as funny another time around.

Supermarket Sweep with 1980's hatchbacks, anyone?

Now don't you feel better?

Peace, Deb

#AdventUs - Day 4

Hagar named God, "You are El-roi." (The God who sees me) Genesis 16:13

It's sometimes hard to believe that God sees us, no matter how much we want to hide behind our beauty, our possessions, our careers, our desires...

What's even harder to believe is that God sees us with love - no matter what.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

#AdventUs - Day 3

Day 3 - "Am I my sister's/brother's keeper?" Genesis 4:9

"Sibling Rivalry" is one of the oldest story types in the bible, closely following "It's All About Me" and "Now You've Done It" as recorded in the first few chapters of the book of Genesis.

I don't know about you, but there have been a few bouts of this in my family and in other families I have known, but nothing close to what happens in this primal Hebrew story. Even so, as Cain responds to God's question about where Abel is after Cain has killed him, I hear in his voice a level of defensiveness that is not unfamiliar to me.

We expect that there will be a certain level of discord between enemies, based on differing belief systems and assumptions about truth and world view. But it seems more and more that there is a rising level of distrust among friends. We allow small matters to divide us and eventually treat one another as if we had never had anything in common at all.

What would happen if we did believe that we were our brother or sister's keeper? Not in a way that binds them, but in a way that frees then to know that someone cares about what they think and do and how they live? What if we followed the early church instructions to love in all things and to keep unity as a primary goal of what it means to be a community of faith?

I hope it means the world would look a little different than it does now... that our churches would love more and fight less... that our world would live a little less on the brink of disaster...

Do you think that's even possible? What would it take to make that happen?

Peace, Deb
Finlandia: lyrics by Lloyd Stone, music by Jean Sibelius 
This is my song, O God of all the nations,
a song of peace for lands afar and mine.
This is my home, the country where my heart is;
here are my hopes, my dreams, my holy shrine;
but other hearts in other lands are beating
with hopes and dreams as true and high as mine.

My country's skies are bluer than the ocean,
and sunlight beams on cloverleaf and pine;
but other lands have sunlight too, and clover,
and skies are everywhere as blue as mine.
O hear my song, thou God of all the nations,
a song of peace for their land and for mine.

"This is My Song" sung by Cantus

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

#Advent Us - Day 2

Day 2 - "In the beginning, God created." Genesis 1:1

Creation is good... God said it many times.

And God is not the only one who creates. Made in God's image, we are also called to be creative - to make something from nothing - to bring beauty to light where once their was silence.

I love the creative people in my life. Potters... bakers... cooks... knitters & crocheters... musicians... photographers...scrapbookers... painters... decorators... these are just a few of the ways I see people creating in the world today.

Once of upon a time, if you had asked me if I was a creative person, I would have said no. But I have changed my mind about that. As I have quilted lap blankets for each of my nieces and nephews, and as I crochet scarves and shawls and blankets, as I prepare food for parties or church socials or for evening meals, I experience the joy that creating something new brings. And I'm guessing it's the same for you.

So think about it... what have you created lately? Here's a few of my latest creations!

Peace, Deb
Baby Blanket & Hat
Quilt #7
Everything's better with pie

Monday, December 1, 2014

#Advent Us - Day 1

Day 1 - Prepare ye the way of the Lord. (Mark 1:3)

A few weeks ago, we watched the movie, Evan Almighty. Besides being really funny, it stirred up some real conversation, which is always a bonus, in my opinion. 

When I saw today's verse, I immediately thought of this clip, where God and Evan talk about preparing for the day to come.

It's always at least a little inconvenient, and sometimes frightening, when God's plans fall on a different path from our plans. But preparing the way of the Lord means being willing to follow where we are called, even when people think it's a little crazy.

What shape would the world be in if we lived by guidance God gave Evan... "If you want to change the world, it happens one Act of Random Kindness at a time... you build it, I'll fill it."

How DO we prepare the way for the Lord?

Peace, Deb

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Advent is upon us...

I will attempt to post each day something that reminds me of what at this waiting is about...

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sermon – Risky Business

Matthew 25:14-30
Panzer Liturgical Service
November 16, 2014

So here we are again, hearing about Jesus and his ministry from the words of Matthew. Last week Chaplain Gramm did a great job unpacking a big chuck of Jesus’ teachings. He focused a large portion of his sermon on the parable of the ten bridesmaids, but opened up the exegesis to include all four parables in these last chapters before Jesus’ arrest and death. This parable of the talents is the third in a series, all told by Jesus between Palm Sunday and the Last Supper. Each deals with behavior in light of an absent master, and ultimately asks the question, “What will you do until he returns?”

 Will you keep pushing to further your master’s intentions, or will you play it safe and try to keep the status quo? Will you be prepared for his coming, not caught up in the ways of the world? Will you have the supplies you need to get you through the journey, or will you have to interrupt to restock, maybe missing out on the most important time in your life? Will you use what has been given to you to make the most of the time between his going and coming? And finally, will you be found faithful or faithless at his return? In short, the Master asks his servants this ultimate question, “What are you willing to risk until I return?” (1)

In this parable in particular, we are faced with two portraits – those who keep pressing forward, in effect willing to go all in, and those who act out of fear, literally burying his opportunities like a cold, dead corpse and lucky to be able to even find it when the master returned. I’m willing to guess that in churches all over the US, preachers are using this text to encourage their members to be faithful in their giving and serving to the church. It’s the number one text used in connection with stewardship campaigns asking people to make commitments of money and service in the coming year.(2)

But I wonder, is that all this parable is really about?

In this story a wealthy man prepares for a journey by entrusting his estate to his servants. Each receives an amount according to his ability. Is the ability to make a wise investment or something else? We don’t really know. We wonder, what is wrong with the third servant that he only got one talent. And this is where the tale takes its first turn. Yes, the first is bestowed five times more than the last, but even so, one talent is a significant sum of money. Carla Work, NT scholar, tells us that “a talent is equal to about 6,000 denarii. Since one denarius is a common laborer's daily wage, a talent would be roughly equivalent to 20 years wages for the average worker. Five talents, the largest amount entrusted to any of the servants, is comparable to one hundred years’ worth of labor, an astronomical amount of money.” (3)

 WOW! What would you do if your boss came and gave you twenty years of wages in one sitting – maybe even tax-free? Would you buy a fast car, a new house, or new clothes? Would you quit your job, buy a fancy RV and hit the road? Either of those seems less responsible than what the third servant did… like a lottery winner who is collecting welfare after wasting his or her millions away.

How many of us would think enough of the generosity of the master by investing the money wisely? Maybe it would be in making the best financial return possible. Or maybe that money could be used to reach as many people as possible, making life better, making love real. I want to believe that I’m in that last group…but I don’t really know what I would do. I do hope that I wouldn’t go out in the backyard and dig a hole in the ground to bury it for safe keeping. As many times as we have moved around, there is nothing safe or wise about that.

This story fits into the gospel at this time and place for a particular reason. Jesus knows what’s coming. And to prepare the disciples, he tells stories about faith being tested. These parables depict how the disciples are to live out their faithfulness as they anticipate the return of the Lord. And while the disciples hear what he has to say, they think “SOMEDAY” when Jesus really means “TOMORROW.” Again and again between his ascension and the day of Pentecost, Jesus tells them the time is coming, but they didn’t understand at all what Jesus was trying to say.

What does faithfulness look like in a time of waiting? In Matthew's Gospel faithfulness is lived by emulating the ministry of Jesus. Jesus has announced the arrival of God's kingdom by feeding the hungry, curing the sick, blessing the meek, and serving the least. As Jesus commanded at his ascension, we are to preach and teach the gospel to the ends of the earth. We accomplish this by treating others as if they are Jesus, feeding the hungry, visiting the sick and imprisoned, clothing the naked, and welcoming the stranger. That is when we will be most likely to hear the Master’s voice say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’ (4)

 So knowing all of this, we ask the question again,”What does faithfulness look like in the in-between time?” How much are we willing to risk to make the Kingdom real, here and now? What kind of chances are we willing to take to prepare the world for Jesus to come again and claim what is rightfully his? Are we foolish or will be wise? And how will we know the difference?

I’ve been a pastor and teacher for 23 years. And sometimes I get the feeling when I talk to people that they are looking for the really grand gesture to show God how much they love him. Not this little thing or that, as if we are afraid that God won’t honor the little steps made in his direction or on his behalf. Somewhere inside us, we see a Mother Theresa or a Nelson Mandela or a Dietrich Bonhoeffer and we think, “I want to be like that, but I don’t think I have it in me.” And so we just putter along, or we give up, or we bury our talent (and our heads) in the sand. But I wonder how those people, and many more that we cannot name, got the courage to make the grand leap of faith. Did they just wake up one more and say, “Today, I’m all in.” Maybe, but it’s just as likly that they took it one step at a time. “Today, I’m going to walk one step close to God.” “Today, I’m going to put someone else’s needs before my own.” “Today, I’m going to be brave and foolish and believe it when I am told that God is with me, no matter what.”

On one hand, this is story about talents – riches – even opportunities used to serve a master. But it is also a story that asks us what we believe about God. Do we see God as generous or do we see God as harsh and someone to be feared? I remind people all the time that when we read the English word “fear” in the bible, we should really hear “revere” or “be in awe of” in God. Fear isn’t just about being afraid of God. It’s about seeing the awesomeness of God, and understanding our place in his world. (5)

 The first two servants were awed by the generosity of their master, and did everything they could to say, “Thanks for trusting us with the work of YOUR labor. We tried to do right by you.” But the third was only afraid of God, and therefore did whatever he could to just not screw it all up. I suspect that we all lie somewhere in between these two faithful servants and the one who utterly failed at the task given. It’s probably obvious what not to do to end up the like the third poor fellow, but how do we become more like the others?

The answer is in the parable immediately following… our gospel lesson for next week’s Christ the King celebration. I won’t go on to preach a second sermon today, but I will ask you to think about this series of parables as a whole and ask what opportunities God is providing to help mold you into the person God knows you can become.

In their book, Every Good Endeavor, authors Tim Keller and Katherine Leary Alsdorf have chronicles the ministry of The Center for Faith and Work in New York City. Through years of working with people in the congregation at Redeemer Presbyterian Church, they have come to see that people find the most fulfillment at church when their ministry has some intersection with the work they do on a day to day basis. In a recent interview, Alsdorf said, “The gospel story of work says that we’re made to work. And the reason we’re made to work is to do the work that God would have us do to help the world flourish. Apart from doing that kind of work, we’re not fully human; we’re not living the lives that God meant us to live.” (6)

Their question to their parishioners is one that is well worth as little of our time: What is our calling? How is God using us to further the Kingdom? And how can that play out in our work and our family and our life in the church? In this room we all have different jobs; Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, Coast Guardsman, Civilian, Contractor, Teacher, Mother, Father, Child, Student, Friend… the list goes on and one. Are we living out our faith well in the midst of those jobs? Does our faith journey speak as loud and in harmony with our words about faith? And what about the life that comes after this one?

My husband and I are certainly thinking about what comes next, after life in the military. And the question we are wrestling with is this: How does God want us to use the rest of our lives to serve him? Answers to that question will impact everything – our jobs, where we live, and how we serve. And it’s scary knowing that someone else will help us make those choices. Being faithful to what the Master has entrusted us with sometimes means we fine-tune the lives that we are currently living… and other times, we get to start over, from scratch. And as one who keeps doing both, I’m not sure which is more frightening or exciting … what do you think?

Just remember, this is risky business. Will we be faithful or foolish before God?

Peace, Deb
[1] Peter Woods, “Are You Ready to Risk?”, 2011,
[2] Carla Works, 2011, “Commentary on Matthew 25:14-30”
[3] Carla Works, 2011.
[4] Carla Works, 2011.
[6] Interview with Katherine Leary Alsdorf,


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sermon - For All the Saints

All Saints’ Sunday – 2014             Revelation 7:9-17, 1 John 3:1-3, Matthew 5:1-12

Today we celebrate All Saints’ Day, the same as billions of Christians who have come before us. In the second century, the Church started remembering people who had died. It was a violent and dangerous time for the followers of Jesus. The government and the world did not approve of the influence that Christians were having in the world, so while most held firm in their faith, some did it at the cost of their own lives.

In the Roman Catholic tradition, it’s not easy to become a saint. Evidence is collected in an effort to convince Church officials “that the person in question in fact lived a virtuous life, had faith, and had the support and help of God. The Church also looks at miracles as evidence that God is working through that person.”[i]   It takes between 10 and hundreds of years for the Church to authenticate the sainthood of those nominated. Most recently added to the list of Roman Catholic saints were Popes John Paul II and John XXIII, canonized in April of this year (2014).

Even we Protestants recognize the names of some saints: Saint Francis of Assisi – 13th century monastic and founder of the Franciscan order of monks; Saint Anthony – 17th century preacher and teacher who is known as the patron saint of lost items and people; Saint Christopher – 3rd century martyr and patron saint of travelers; Saint Patrick – 4th century founder of the Church in Ireland; and let’s not forget Saint Joan of Arc, Saint Theresa of Avila, Saint Valentine, Saint Nikolas and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first American born saint to be canonized by the church.

Many of these early Christians lived out their faith in the line of fire and were killed in the line of duty. All of this gives us the feeling that in order to be considered a saint, you have to live a supernatural faith. And I know that this doesn’t give me much hope of every being considered a saint myself.

But what if this narrow view of sainthood undermines what the early church intended when they set aside a day to celebrate the lives of faithful people? The first three centuries of the church were often violent and chaotic, but I’m guessing the majority of these early saints were just ordinary folks who were scared to their core, but hung in there because they believed so much in Jesus.[ii]

A few years ago, Shawn and I made a trip to Greece. I was relatively unfamiliar with Orthodox worship, but intrigued at the small icons that we found in churches, shops and museums. I eventually purchased an icon of Jesus, but there were so many more to choose from. Some of them were of saints I mentioned earlier, but there were more – people I have never thought of as saints, but who are exactly the people that I want to be like as I make this journey of faith. Saints like Dorothy Day, an American Catholic who stood up for the working poor… Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German pastor killed by the Nazis for preaching the gospel of Jesus, not the one appropriated by the national mood of the day… and C.S. Lewis, who began life as an atheist, but became a Christian in adulthood, and penned some of the most accessible and honest writings on the struggle that comes with a life of faith.

In preparation this week, I have also remembered some of the saints of my life, people like Charlie, a retired man in my first church. He was loud and joyful, a traditionalist in every sense of the word. When I went there as the first woman minister, he let me know that I had a limited amount of time to prove that I was up to the job. But gradually, we become friends and over the next five years, I watch Charlie pour his whole life into loving his wife and family, and to opening a homeless shelter in our town. He became a real pest to many of the businesses in town, gathering donations for beds and linens and kitchen supplies to furnish a house that he persuaded the ministerial association to buy. People were known to duck into a doorway when they saw him coming, because they knew that they wouldn’t be able to say no to whatever he was going to ask them to do.

When he died unexpectedly, we wondered if all of his dreams would come true. But people took on his dream as their dream and a new kind of ministry with the homeless came true. And again I was reminded that saints come in all shapes and sizes, and we never know when we might be in their presence. My guess is that you all have a Mr. Charlie somewhere in your life. And this person taught you much more that you realized about what it means to be a person of faith. This person was or is a Christian who you want to be like someday. He or she is your saint.

The lessons for today can often confuse us, because we think of these blessings as something we earn for good – even exemplary – behavior. But the Beatitudes are not about rewards. They are about God’s acknowledgement of the sacrifices we are willing to make in order to usher God’s Kingdom just one day closer. At the time, our actions might not seem like much, or they might feel like we are crossing a wide chasm with no net or bridge or rescue in sight. But we do them because someone else showed us how, and because we have been told, and then we believe, that God’s grace extends far beyond our wildest imagination.  In his book, Revival, Methodist author Adam Hamilton speaks of grace as the embodiment of our faith. 
It is an act of kindness, an expression of selfless love that is completely undeserved and is given without any expectation of repayment. We are never more like God than when we are giving selflessly to others. Because God created us to live in this way, we seldom feel more alive and joyful than when we are serving, blessing, and helping someone else.  That is charis. This is grace. [iii]
Sainthood is only possible if we fully embrace this amazing gift of grace. Grace changes us, it molds and shapes us and re-creates us in the image of Christ.

When we read from the book of Revelation, we must be careful not to see within its verses a scary prediction for the end of time. Instead, it is more like an impressionist painting that offers an alternative life plan in opposition to the one offered by the ruling powers of the day. Biblical scholar John Holbert says, “John's Revelation is a great book of the promise of God to create a world where all have a place, where hierarchies disappear, where all live together in harmony and peace. Do not allow anyone to make this book into a thing of scary fear, of partisan choice, of believing rightly lest you end in fire. No! It is a book of hope, founded in love, and the gift of the lamb for all of the people of God.” [iv]

The slain lamb is the key to life for people of faith, not victory in the traditional sense of the word. The key to life is service – service to God and to others - service that may lead to suffering and giving and dying.[v]  And while John’s Revelation is multi-layered and interpreted in many different ways, one thing we know for sure: God wins and evil loses. God will make “all things new,” not “all new things.” The heaven described in this biblical writing is the fulfillment of what God intended from the beginning of time – a new Eden, a place of order, structure and designed to be ruled by love.[vi] 

Each Sunday after the reading of scripture and the preaching of the Word, we recite together the Apostle’s Creed.  In the last stanza, we say that we believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic or universal church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.

The Holy Spirit binds us together as the church.  The great wind which hovered over the world bringing life in the events of creation also brought new life to the people whom God called on the day of Pentecost.  The disciples and other followers of Jesus gathered in Jerusalem after his death and resurrection and waited... they didn't really know what for... but they waited.  And on that day, they were all bound together for a lifetime... for an eternity with our God. 

You see, all those things go together.  Without the witness of Jesus' resurrection, we would not know the joy which we know today, that Jesus Christ indeed was raised from the dead, and lives eternally with the Father.  Saying that we believe in the holy catholic or universal church means that we believe that the Holy Spirit came to tear down the walls which separate us, not build new or higher ones.  And because there is life everlasting with our God, the boundary between life and death is one which becomes less painful and scary to us, when we begin to understand it in light of the faith which we profess in Jesus Christ.  Instead it unites us with all believers throughout time, and makes real to us this part of Christian community - "the communion of saints".

By putting all of these pieces together, we are able to expand our understanding of who "the saints" are, which we celebrate today.  Yes, the saints are all those whom we name today, both aloud and in our hearts.  They are those whom we have named in years past, people who have impacted our lives and our faith in a significant way.  They are those who we did not know, but who lived and died faithfully, loving the Lord, giving witness to someone along the way.  But the saints are also us... you and me, as we continue on our own faith journeys, and attempt to witness to the love of Jesus Christ through the example of our own lives.

Twenty years ago this month, I was invited to visit an older couple in my congregation. Erika and George had immigrated to the US in the 1960’s. George was a chemist by education, but before he went to college, he was a soldier in the German army, stationed at the Polish front during the war. He told me his saving grace was being wounded in battle. He was sent back home to recover, married his childhood sweetheart and eventually went to work for Beyer Corporation, first in South Africa, and then in the US.

They made a good home in South Carolina, raising two children and becoming American citizens and good Methodists. That afternoon, Erika sliced me my first piece of stolen, poured me a cup of very strong coffee and shared with me the story of their life in Germany and their life since. She and George saw God working in their lives through all the difficulties and all of the joys of life. One week later, George found her lying in bed in the middle of the day. She had cleaned up from lunch and gone in to take a nap, and just never woke up.

I was honored to preach at her funeral, so glad for the opportunity to know her more deeply. I was also happy to continue a growing friendship with George, hearing how he believed that losing a leg was a small price to pay for the life that he had led after the war. About a year later, another older man in our church was diagnosed with bone cancer, and decided to forgo the recommended amputation, because he could not see a life without his leg. In the middle of the night, I realized that Bill needed to talk to George, and so the next morning, I asked George if he could visit Bill in the hospital. 

A few days later, I got a call to come and pray with Bill before his surgery, and I asked him what made him change his mind.  He told me that George sat down in the chair, took off his prosthetic leg, handed it to him, and said, “Don’t be afraid of this… it will give you a chance at new life, if you’ll only let it.” Bill said, “When framed that way, what did I have to lose?” Saints do that – they share their joys and their struggles with others, all to help folks know that in the end, God wine.

On this All Saints’ Day, let us remember and give thanks for all who have lived, loved, and shown us the way toward making God’s new creation possible, now and in the world to come.  And let us be those people, too. Amen.

 Peace, Deb

[ii] Edwina Gateley, “Perseverance of the Saints,”
[iii] Adam Hamilton, Revival, 2014, page 80.
[iv] John Holbert, No, It’s Not "Revelations," and It Is Not About That!
[v] Ibid.
[vi] Ibid.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Breaking in a New Pair of Shoes

I have a thing about shoes. Lot's of people I know will suffer through wearing a beautiful pair of
shoes, even if they are not really comfortable. That is NOT me. I like my shoes comfy. So when I find a pair I really like, I might be persuaded to buy a pair in every color - or buy an extra pair to put back until the current pair wears out.

About four years ago, my sister-in-law bought some Trekkers from Land's End. She couldn't stop talking about how comfy they were, so I decided to try them myself, in brown. Soon, I was also sporting a pair in black and tan. They were (and are) everything I love about a good walking shoe... they fit my fickle foot, have room for my inserts, and don't look like walking shoes.

In the last year, I've worried about what I would wear if my current shoes started to fail me. So I've been looking for a replacement, to no avail. I was excited when Land's End produced a new version in 2014. I ordered several pairs, in 3 colors and three sizes, but nothing really worked and back they went. Everywhere I go, I look for a possible replacement. So far, I have not had any success, but I am hopeful that one day, I find something that will keep me from hobbling through life.

This whole topic came up because a friend asked if Stuttgart feels like a comfortable pair of shoes. If you had asked me before we moved, I would have thought that would have been the case, but settling in has been more of a challenge than I expected. Yes,we know how to get around, how good the food is and difficult the concept of "customer service." But It's been 2 1/2 months and I still feel like I'm supposed to be back in Spokane. I still miss my friends and my routine. And while I'm working toward establishing a new routine, it still feels like work.

And when I thought about life in terms of finding and wearing a great pair of shoes, I think of this second time in Stuttgart as if I found a new version of a well-loved pair of shoes that don't feel just right... yet. I don't really have the option to send this life back, and so if it's not comfortable right now, I'll just keep walking and living until I break it in and it starts to feel like home.

I've been hesitant to share, but in talking with several folks who have moved this year, I find this to be a common theme, especially among those of us who are returning to places we have been before. And many of us agree that the difficulty is in our expectations, not so much the experience itself. So I am now in the process of adjusting my attitude and receiving the gifts that life here will bring.

I take these words of Paul to heart as I seek God's will and peace as we make our life here grow.

I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, will give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation that makes God known to you.  I pray that the eyes of your heart will have enough light to see what is the hope of God’s call, what is the richness of God’s glorious inheritance among believers,  and what is the overwhelming greatness of God’s power that is working among us believers. This power is conferred by the energy of God’s powerful strength. (Ephesians 1:17-19 Common English Bible translation)

Peace, Deb

Monday, September 29, 2014

Sermon - In or Out?

In or Out?                                                                                                       Matthew21:23-32
Panzer Chapel Liturgical Service, Boblingen, Germany                             September 28, 2014

Whether we admit it or not, we want the Bible to be the ultimate self-help book.  We want to be able to open its pages and find the answers to the questions that plague us or annoy us. And, at our worst, we want the Bible to justify the things we think we need to believe to be happy and successful in this world. But is that really what the Bible is for? Hebrew Bible scholar, Mark Brettler reminds us that there is “a danger in saying, ‘The Bible says …’ and then filling in that sentence with just one single thought, because very, very often, in almost anything that you could ask, the Bible has more than one perspective.”[i]

Today’s gospel lesson challenges what we think it means to be a person of faith. In this passage, Jesus is confronted by the Scribes and Pharisees (again), hoping to catch him in a chargeable offense. As is so often the case, they don’t start the conversation by accusing him of anything, but try to trip him up by asking a question or two. They are concerned that Jesus is claiming authority they believe belongs to them, or those they approve. Adding insult to injury, Jesus is hanging out with people who are entirely unacceptable. This calls Jesus’ character into question, for according to the standards of the community, these people will bring Jesus down to their level. But actually, the opposite is true. If we read carefully the gospel accounts, we see that Jesus was a great judge of human character. The difference was that he saw value where others saw only flaws.”[ii]

The religious leaders’ attempts to catch Jesus in a theological untruth always made them look bad. In this instance, Jesus answers their questions with a question. They want to know why he thinks he has the authority to preach and teach in God’s name. He seeks to unmask their intent in asking the question. In asking them about the ministry of John the Baptist, who has been beheaded for his trouble, he wants them to come down on one side of the argument or the other. But they play it safe, answering, “We don’t know.”

Now there are times when “I don’t know,” is the right answer – because it shows openness to new thoughts, ideas, or directions. But then there are the times when “I don’t know” is just a dodge to keep from having to make your beliefs known.[iii]  In this instance, the Scribes and Pharisees were all about taking the safe way out and not showing their hand.

So Jesus doesn’t answer their question directly. Instead, he tells a story about two children. Both were asked to complete a task. One said “no,” but ended up doing his father’s bidding. The other said “yes,” but didn’t. Jesus’ question is, “Who did what the father asked?” Now the answer is obvious – the one who did the work, even though reluctant in the beginning, was the one who gained the father’s favor. This story is reminiscent of the parable of the Good Samaritan, where the one rejected by the community actually acted in accordance with the will of God. And this sets up an interesting, and somewhat troubling, paradigm. For it changes the way we think about what it means to be members of the family of God.

In his book, Why Did Jesus, Moses, The Buddha and Mohammed Cross the Road? Christian Identity in a Multi-faith World, Brian Mclaren tells the story of the first Muslim family he ever met. On returning from their honeymoon to a small, inner-city apartment, he and his wife found that Brian’s brother and friends had not only moved in all their furniture and belongings, but had also filled the small bathroom from floor to ceiling with balloons. Driven by their need to use the facilities, they gingerly pulled hundreds of balloons out of the room. Soon the bathroom was empty, but the floor of the entire apartment was covered with a bobbing tide of red. They went to bed knowing that in the morning, they would have to find a way to rid their home of the “red menace.”  Enter Aatif. As Brian sat on the front step of the building pondering how to tackle the problem, his young Muslim neighbor sat down to talk. After a few minutes, Brian asked, “Do you like balloons?”  Soon, Aatif had gathered a dozen kids to help carry the balloons away. Within minutes, all of the balloons were gone.[iv]

We never know when the watershed moments of our life will happen. For Brian, Christian pastor and teacher, this incident started a process of thinking about Christianity and other religions in a whole new way. Over the next year, Brian and his wife Grace shared life experiences with their neighbors many times, learning about faith traditions very different from their own. And in those times together he learned a very important lesson.  “In sharing table and space with those who are outside our own realm of belief we are able to see the connections we share as children of the Creator. Our Christian identity cannot be a locked door that keeps others at a distance.[v]

Our world today is often defined by “THEM” versus “US”. Whether it is in religion or politics or economic outlooks, we often gravitate towards those who share similar beliefs and common experiences. And in the process, we can slowly be drawn into the mistaken understanding that people need to conform to our expectations to be acceptable.

This week, world leaders made speeches before the UN General Assembly, condemning the connection between religion and terrorism. And while many spent some time finger-pointing at the other side, there was remarkable cohesion in their statements. But making a speech at the UN and putting those thoughts into practice are two different animals.  Using violence to further a faith agenda is not a new predicament. The biblical record is filled with the same story, over and over again, from the Garden of Eden to the Tower of Babel to the fall of Jerusalem, from the spreading of Christianity as a minority faith to becoming an imperial one, from the Crusades to the Balkans to the Middle East.  In each of these historical moments, we have bought into the premise that hostility to other faiths makes us stronger. But in reality, just the opposite is true. Brian Mclaren says it like this:
In contrast to many ancient religions, our story of Creation does not begin with a war between gods. It begins peacefully, in the creative words, ‘Let it be’… All human beings, together with all living things, have their origin in the same unfolding story of making space for one another… Within that spacious story, all human beings share the same divine image. All human beings are, ultimately, sisters and brothers in one human family created in the image of God… the phrase, “God loves us” is only a fragment of the truth, a dangerous fragment, in fact; it must be reunited with “God loves others too.” [vi]
This concept was maddening to the religious leaders who ultimately condemned Jesus. They saw their “chosen-ness” as a wall that included those who kept to a strict moral code and excluded all others. Over the years, succeeding generations have fallen into this same trap, and the distances between not just Christians and non-Christians, but different flavors of Christians only seems to get wider and deeper with time.

So here is where faith gets put into action: What would happen if we made small steps toward changing that pattern of behavior?  What if we lived as people who believed, as Jesus apparently did, that all people are created to be a part of the Kingdom of God? What would that require of us? A different way of thinking? A different way of living? It’s really quite difficult, even scary. to think about, isn’t it? – and why these religious purists ultimately found a way to sentence Jesus to death.
For me this passage brings two questions to mind, which I share with you today. First, how do I relate to people who are different from me?  Am I welcoming and curious about others’ faith journeys, or do I feel the need for people to see things my way… assuming of course that my way is the right way to think. Do I reject people who are different from me? Do I do all I can to see others as those whom God has created and loved? Or do I try hard not to expose myself to “the other,” hoping to keep my thoughts and theology as pure as possible? Or am I just afraid of the unknown and don’t know how to come out of my shell?

Second, what do we mean when we talk about salvation? For many, the salvation conversation is directed at the question, “What will happen when I die?” Is that all that salvation is about? Or we need to think of it in a bigger way?

Will Willimon, former dean of Duke University Chapel and United Methodist bishop, has written a most interesting book entitled, Who Will Be Saved?  I pulled this book off of my bookshelf, because I think that this is the question Jesus leaves us with as he ends this conversation with the Pharisees. Now, when I read this story, I’m not sure the answer is what I thought it was at the beginning.
Will says it like this:
Most Christians think of salvation as related exclusively to the afterlife. Salvation is when we die and get to go to heaven. To be sure, Scripture is concerned with our eternal fate. What has been obscured is Scripture’s stress on salvation as an invitation to share in a particular God’s life here, now, so that we might do so forever. Salvation isn’t a destination; it is our vocation. Salvation isn’t just a question of who is saved and who is [not], who will get to heaven and how, but also how we are swept up into participation in the mystery of God who is Jesus Christ… Heaven is when or where one is fully with God – salvation. [vii]
In the communion liturgy, there is a part of the service where we say together, Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.  And placing this statement of faith against the premise that salvation is not a point in time, but a way of life, I made this realization. Jesus saves me every day. It is certainly the promise of the crucifixion and resurrection that he saved me in the past, but he also saves me today and will save me tomorrow, and for eternity, if I let him.
The prostitutes and tax collectors didn’t gain membership in the Kingdom through right-thinking. They gained it through right-living. Their actions spoke louder than their words. Salvation is not just about believing – it’s about doing something with that belief to fulfill God’s intentions for a world devoted to Him.

Once we buy into the premise that our salvation is in the past, we close ourselves to all the ways in which salvation can be new to us every day. In our opening hymn, we sang, “Morning Has Broken” and in one of its verses we heard,
Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morningBorn of the one light, Eden saw playPraise with elation, praise every morningGod's recreation of the new day.[viii]
 I think it’s one of the most important lessons of the day: Every day offers us an opportunity to begin again, to experience God’s salvation anew. The lessons from Ezekiel and Philippians give us clear instructions and great hope that God’s way into the future will give us life – a fullness of life that we can never have if we trust only in our own understandings of what it means to be a part of God’s world. Make no mistake: God is at work in us.

I’ll end with this quote from Brian Mclaren from his new book, We Make the Road By Walking. It is a lesson which I most need to hear today, and every day. It is the lesson that reminds me why trying and failing and forgiving are all a part of the journey we call faith. And I send you out with these words.
 “… faith was never intended to be a destination, a status, a holding tank, or a warehouse. Instead, it was to be a road, a path, a way out of old and destructive patterns into new and creative ones. As a road or way, it is always being extended into the future. If a spiritual community only points back to where it has been or if it only digs its heels where it is now, it is a dead end or a parking lot, not a way. To be a living tradition, a living way, it must forever open itself forward and forever remain unfinished – even as it forever cherishes and learns from the growing treasure of its past.” [ix]
Let us we go forth to love and serve the Lord.  Amen.

[i] “The danger of saying, 'The Bible says...'”,Mark Brettler – Faith and Leadership blog November 21, 2013.
[ii] Why Did Jesus, Moses, The Buddha and Mohammed Cross the Road? Christian Identity in a Multi-faith World – Brian Mclaren – 2012 – page 3.
[iii] “Matthew,” The New Interpreter’s Bible, M.Eugene Boring, pages 410-11
[iv] Ibid, pages 28-9.
[v] Ibid, page 31.
[vi] Ibid, page 103.
[vii] Who Will Be Saved?  Will Willimon – 2008 – page 3.
[viii] Elenor Farjeon, 1931.
[ix] We Make the Road By Walking – Brian Mclaren – 2014, page xi.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

7 Days of Thankfulness

Last week I was challenged by my friends Betsy Myers and her daughter Johannah Myers to name three things for which I am thankful for a week. I really did reflect each day on what I wanted to share. I, in turn, tagged my sister and sister-in-law to do the same.

This exercise made me realize that despite the difficulties I face each day, they are just speed bumps in comparison with the blessings that I have received. I posted them on Facebook each day, but I have consolidated them here to share in one place, and with those who may not have had the chance to see them.

7 Days of Thankfulness

Day 1 - (9/7/14)
1 - thankful that our house is almost all unpacked and starting to feel like home.
2 - thankful for German friends who have helped us unpack boxes and put up new light fixtures without electrocuting ourselves.
3 - thankful for Facebook, where I can keep in touch with friends who live all over the world, rejoicing, praying and laughing with them across the miles. 

Day 2 (9/8/14)
1 - sunny days (it's rained almost every day since we got here) but it's not too hot.
2 - good books ~ I've caught up on my reading and enjoyed some wonderful stories,
3 - the opportunity to preach yesterday, grateful for the warm reception they gave me.

Day 3 (9/9/14)
1 - thankful for PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel), where I can be a teacher or a student and be loved for who I am.
2 - we saw my vehicle at the processing center tonight... Violet msy be coming home soon.
3 - thankful for the opportunity to make new friends and explore ministry possibilities for this fall.

Day 4 (9/10/14)
1 - my husband Shawn, who brought me on this magical adventure called marriage, we're still laughing a lot,
2 - my family of origin, parents Bill & Doris, brother BJ, sister Ola and their spouses and children... sometimes I wonder why I am the way I am, and then I look at you and know you understand me, at least a little bit,
3 - my "other" family, Shawn's dad Tim, sister-in-law LoriAnn and her family, and all the other extended family members who accepted me, no questions asked, and especially for Shawn's mom, Lee Ann, who always took my side... I miss that.

Day 5 (9/11/14)
1 - Thankful that cooking gives me so much joy! and that my spouse will eat almost anything, except mushrooms (and broccoli and peppers and cucumbers...).
2 - Thankful for all of the spices in my kitchen and happy to use them in many different ways.
3 - Thankful for living in so many places that have four seasons. Fall is well on it's way - cool nights make for good sleeping and colorful leaves make for a beautiful drive every day.

Day 6 (9/12/14)
1 - we picked up the truck today and she is fine. I don't know how you one-car families do it.
2 - Command Strips, they make the picture hanging so much easier when you have concrete walls,
3 - thankful for learning to crochet, and all the wonderful friends that has brought me.

Day 7 (9/14/14)
1 - Glad that a good night's sleep can give you a new perspective. Yesterday was a hard "moving to a foreign country and living in a 100-year old house" day. Making a new plan for hooking up 110V electronics and purchasing 220V versions for the ones that we can't get to work.
2 - Grateful to spend part of each day reflecting on the goodness in my life - it's all about perspective.
3 - Most of all - Glad to share in the goodness of a wonderful God who reminds me each day of how much I am loved and how I am called to live in his image. Being thankful is not the end... now I am called to live out that thankfulness in my interactions with others.  Keep me faithful, Lord.

A special thanks to my sisters Ola  and Lori Ann  and their families, who have also shared their joys... we are very richly blessed.

Peace, Deb

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart

Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all. ~William Faulkner