shoes, even if they are not really comfortable. That is NOT me. I like my shoes comfy. So when I find a pair I really like, I might be persuaded to buy a pair in every color - or buy an extra pair to put back until the current pair wears out.

In the last year, I've worried about what I would wear if my current shoes started to fail me. So I've been looking for a replacement, to no avail. I was excited when Land's End produced a new version in 2014. I ordered several pairs, in 3 colors and three sizes, but nothing really worked and back they went. Everywhere I go, I look for a possible replacement. So far, I have not had any success, but I am hopeful that one day, I find something that will keep me from hobbling through life.
This whole topic came up because a friend asked if Stuttgart feels like a comfortable pair of shoes. If you had asked me before we moved, I would have thought that would have been the case, but settling in has been more of a challenge than I expected. Yes,we know how to get around, how good the food is and difficult the concept of "customer service." But It's been 2 1/2 months and I still feel like I'm supposed to be back in Spokane. I still miss my friends and my routine. And while I'm working toward establishing a new routine, it still feels like work.
And when I thought about life in terms of finding and wearing a great pair of shoes, I think of this second time in Stuttgart as if I found a new version of a well-loved pair of shoes that don't feel just right... yet. I don't really have the option to send this life back, and so if it's not comfortable right now, I'll just keep walking and living until I break it in and it starts to feel like home.
I've been hesitant to share, but in talking with several folks who have moved this year, I find this to be a common theme, especially among those of us who are returning to places we have been before. And many of us agree that the difficulty is in our expectations, not so much the experience itself. So I am now in the process of adjusting my attitude and receiving the gifts that life here will bring.
I take these words of Paul to heart as I seek God's will and peace as we make our life here grow.

Peace, Deb
I guess there is some truth in the old cliché, "You can't go home again." I know Dad would never accept an appointment to any location he had pastored previously. He seemed to understand that it was not as much fun the second time around -- especially if he and mom really enjoyed it the first time. I have come to realize the same is true of military assignments. Now, you are probably not looking for or expecting any suggestions or recommendations, but just in case you are, my recommendation would be to approach it as if it were a brand new experience. Love you -- U. Johnny