How does it work, you ask? Well, it's way too simple... and addictive... and many, many hours have been lost in the midst of boards and pin and comments and likes.
Just a little primer: Sign up for a Pinterest account. Then, when you see a recipe, a wall decoration, a dress or a pair of shoes, a saying or a place that you'd like to remember and be able to access quickly in the future, just "pin it" and it will be there to find with you're ready to bake or cook or shop or be creative. I must admit that I am a fan. I've been pinning my way through the internet for about a year. I started with one board dedicated to food... soon I split that board into six boards... sweets and savory... party foods and soups... breads and, just for kicks, a board dedicated to healthier food options than all of the other boards espoused. There are also boards for cool sayings, clothes and shoes (with just a total of 8 pins - just not my thing), beautiful places and spaces, books worth reading, and a board called "Who Knew?" for quirky things I might want to look for one day.
Now here's where it gets "social." Once you start your boards, you invite people to "follow" you. That way, they can see what you are interested in, what you're pinning and what you're saying about the things you like. And then you follow them back. And soon there are all of these concentric circles, like ripples in a pond. Through this medium, ideas are shared and dreams are dreamed. And it's a really pretty storage medium, which I like a lot. No paper, no muss, no fuss.

I do have to admit, that while I have pinned almost 500 recipes, most of them have gone untested. And some, which looked interesting in concept just didn't work out in practice, or they got jettisoned for something more desirable along the way. I do try to make a habit of going through my boards every month or so and discarding pins that no longer interest me, or comment on ones that were especially good or a mediocre mess. Do my Pinterest boards reflect the person that I am today? I'm no so sure, but if so, I must be a big ole' chocolate bar, because over 60% of my food boards involve the melty, dark stuff.

I don't know the answer to those questions... I don't even really know if they are legitimate questions at all. But I do know that I want what I profess to be reflected in the way I speak, live and post. I hope that we're not just collecting snapshots of life without really living it. I hope even when we're trying to be healthier and more joyful in our living, that we can enjoy the journey and bring that same joy to those around us.
I thought to end I'd share some of my favorite sayings as posted on my Pinterest boards. Tell me what you think.

Raspberry Swirl Sweet Rolls from Sally's Baking Addiction can be found here.....
They really are totally amazing... I promise.
Peace, Deb
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