Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Anxieties of the Season

The Christmas season is filled with lots of joy...  after all, we are celebrating the birth of our living Lord and king.  But this season is also filled with great anxiety.  Questions come to us in the middle of the night.  For some it's about choosing the "right" gift... for others it's about allocation of funds - is there enough money to have a good celebration?.  For others, the holidays highlight problems in family relationships.  For others still, this is a Christmas separated from those we love, by distance or by death.

We want Christmas to be perfect, but our imperfections as human beings often get in the way of the perfection we so desire.  Take my anxiety, for example.  This week I have to pray.

"OK," you say, "so what?  You pray every day... it's your job to pray... you're a professional prayer."

Yes, I reply, but this Friday night is different.  This week I will give the invocation at my husband's holiday office dinner.  This week I pray outside of my AOR (area of responsibility).  This week is the same, but feels different.

In my preparation (yes, we do prepare for these things), I am thinking of the variety of faith experiences that I may encounter... those who might not accept me as their pastor because I am a woman.... those might think that my prayer is too religious... and those who might think that it is not religious enough.  I think about the fact that I don't want to embarrass my husband, or my Church, or my God.  But maybe that's the problem.... maybe I think too much.

As I woke up this morning, a prayer came to me.  I hurried downstairs and quickly typed it up before it was driven out by the busyness of the day.  And in this process, I realized that all of my worry is about me, and doesn't place much power with the One to whom we pray.  So, thank you, God, for giving me the words to share.... the prayer to pray... and the peace to pray it in love.

And may it be so with you, whatever your anxieties of the season.

Peace, Deb

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  John 14:27 (NIV)

Holy and ever-living God, we thank you for this day, and for all the blessings of our lives.  For family, friends, and good work… for opportunities to share in the gifts of our lives and our livings… for the possibility of a peaceful world… and the will to make that peace a reality.  We lift up this night those who are separated by work, war and death.  We ask that you would give us strength to persevere in the midst of the uncertainties of our daily lives, and in the lives of those around us.  We thank you for this family of friends and colleagues gathered this night, as we remember the work that we have done together, and ask that you would continue to help us function in unity, gathered to do good work in a time of great change in our world.  Bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies, so that we may serve in grace and peace.  In humbleness we pray.  Amen.

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