Thursday, May 21, 2020

Read an good books lately? Post #1 Suprised by Hope

Read any good books lately? I'll admit that I am reading or listening for several hours each day, and have never loved it more. I'm tackling a long list of books I've never gotten around to, as well as silly romances and cookbooks I've bought but never opened. I'm rereading favorites and discovering new classics. My Kindle library is growing by leaps and bounds, and I've discovered Hoopla and RBDigital apps from my public library (in addition to Overdrive) for my phone, helping me to listen to audiobooks without having to purchase them for myself.

All of that being said, I am reading and listening to a theology book that has often brought me to tears, and I am discussing it weekly with a great friend and fellow Chapel teacher during this season of Eastertide.

Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the ChurchI give you "Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church" by N.T. Wright

It is dense but quite approachable - within a group, it can be read by people of varying levels of biblical and theological knowledge.

It tackles a subject I didn't even know I needed to study in more detail - what do we mean when we speak of resurrection? Is it about Jesus? Is it about Revelation? Is it some in the past, the present, or something which is yet to come? According to Wright, the answer is "yes."

I could go into more detail, and maybe I will at some point in the future, but I want to tell you why this is going on my Top 10 list of books ... ever.
  • It reinforces theological lessons I was not ready to fully confront or understand when I was studying them in seminary and since. (Another testimony to the ongoing nature of biblical and theological revelation.)
  • It has required me to examine long-held biblical interpretations through a new lens.
  • It has enhanced my experience of Easter as a season of the church year, not just a day. (He has a great section on Ascension, which is the Feast day we celebrate today - 40 days after the resurrection of Jesus).
  • And it has rescued me from the belief that I am alone in my theological understanding that our call to justice, beauty, and evangelism work hand in hand to reflect the Kingdom of God, currently working in the world today, and not something we must wait for at the end of time. There's not much better than reading a book that speaks to your heart and says, "You are not crazy... someone else a lot smarter thinks the same way... and gives references."

This would be a great book for a small group study if you want to be challenged. There is a study guide and a video sold separately, but Rick and I have been reading 2 chapters a week, reflecting on new insights on scripture and theology. I'll be honest - it's almost more than we can fit into an hour and a half Zoom session (across town from one another). I can't even remember the number of weeks I have proclaimed, "Mind blown again!"

Look for more updates on the reading list - I'm working on once a week - maybe saying that here will keep me on track!

Peace in Christ,

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