They won their first national championship the year after I graduated - which was also the year I bought a pair of season tickets. When I left to go to seminary 6 years later, I told everyone the hardest part of leaving was giving up those 40-yard line seats, because I knew I'd never get them back.
What I didn't know was how far away from Clemson my life would go. In 24 years as a military spouse, I've lived in 9 different states and a foreign country twice. As the Clemson program gained prominence, the easier it became to see the games. The last five seasons the biggest problem has been living six time zones ahead of Clemson game time. Many Saturday nights I have set a 2am alarm to get up to watch the Tigers play... once even sitting in a hotel bathroom in Norway in the middle of the night to watch a Clemson/ Carolina game on my phone. Often, the games finished in time for me to head to church and preach at an early chapel service.
There have been a lot of wins the last five years, and a few heartbreaking losses. I have to say that the winning part is great, but mostly I love that the team is so easy to love. I love the philosophy of the coaches and the team... growing young leaders is the primary goal and winning is the icing on the cake.

No matter what, I'm a Clemson girl, and heading out to a busy day with very little sleep. But it doesn't seem to matter very much right now, because while winning isn't everything, it is very nice, indeed.
Go Tigers! Congratulations of your 2018 College Football National Championship!
Peace, Deb