This is the first time that we will be returning to a place where we have previously lived - one of our favorites. And to make it more exciting, we will be once again moving overseas to live in Germany. We don't have exact dates yet, but we should be there by the end of July. We are excited to know that some of our friends are already there, and others will be coming this summer. I'm trying to think about the lessons I need to apply to this adventure. Here's what I've come up with so far.
1 - There's a lot I already know. We've done this before, so I think we're a little better prepared to know what's ahead. That includes deciding what to take and what to leave in storage, while preparing for three different shipments at the same time, and wrapping up things here. I have a basic understanding of the German language, so I can not only ask someone how much something costs, but also understand when they tell me. I am prepared to read a German map and navigate German roads and public transportation. I will no longer be so afraid to go into shops and stores by myself, because if I try to communicate in broken German, people will help me out.
2 - I have a lot more to learn. I'm being much more diligent about learning more German before I go. I'm going to try to venture out and do some exploring, even if my husband has to work. I have friends in other towns in Germany and in England, Belgium and Spain, and if I can, I'm going to have lunch (or more) with each of them. I'm going to make the most of my time "across the pond," because this opportunity hardly ever comes twice in a lifetime.
3 - It's going to be different. I had a great experience before, and I'm sure this one will be awesome, too. But it won't be the same. Even the change of one person can make a situation totally different. Mix in lots almost all new people, and being ten years older, and it will look and feel like a whole new experience. I'm sure if I assume anything, it should be that nothing will be the same. And that's OK.
4 - Good things will happen if I am prepared to be an agent of grace. Everyone reacts differently to change. Last time, I really counted on the grace of others to help make me feel comfortable in unusual surroundings. Now I need to be prepared to do the same for others. It's good to know that there will be a few recognizable faces, but there are also new friends to be made, and great experiences to be had. It's all about attitude.
Making this list will help me in dealing with all of the challenges that are before me. By the fall, we will be getting settled into a new home, with a new job, a new worship community, new friends and new experiences... I know this because, no matter where we've moved or what's been in store, these things have all been true, and they will be true again. God is good, all the time!
Peace, Deb