Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A little show and tell

Someone asked me why I created this blog. I thought about it for a long time before I knew what to say. Practically, I started blogging as a spiritual discipline during Lent. I wanted to keep track of what I was thinking as Easter approached, of how I was going to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus while I was still grieving over the death of my husband's mother, and in anticipation of my 10th move as a military spouse.

When Easter came, I realized that this blog was also a way to share with my community of family and friends... most of whom I do not see or talk to everyday, but who love me from afar. I continue to write because I need to be present outside myself and my little corner of the world. Maybe it helps some of you... I hope there's a little seed that get's planted each time I write. I know that it helps me, and I thank you for your encouragement when it touches you and your indulgence when I'm just talking loudly to myself.

Maybe you noticed that I haven't posted in a month... several reasons for that.  We had 22 people come from out of town for my husband's recent promotion celebration.  Maybe I'll post more about that week later.  All I'll say right now is that I successfully guided 23 people to the Pentagon and back by public transportation during the morning rush hour.  No one was injured and no one got lost.  I consider that a victory.  More importantly, we had a great time.

The other reason I haven't posted is because I'm not sure that what I have to say is all that important.  I don't want my postings to be self-important or silly.  So while I don't think I have anything profound to say today, I do have a report of my recent activities and some pictures to go along.  Think of it as my version of "show and tell".

Two 13 year olds in one year!
Crafting: Many of my friends are very crafty. In North Dakota, we quilted... it's good to have a warm hobby in a state where it's cold for most of the year. It wasn't something I chose. My friend, Bev, registered me for my first class to get me out of the house while my husband deployed a couple of weeks after we moved there in January. I love the piecing and struggle with the actual quilting part. I made a promise to make a quilt for each of my nieces and nephews when they turned 13... Five done, two to go... I follow some quilting blogs to give me more ideas for patterns and fabric choices. I even bought a sewing machine that can handle the process of sewing all those layers together... but a few years ago I became distracted from my quilting by other kind of needlework... crochet.

Baby Andrea with her blanket
My mom and both grandmothers all crocheted. They tried to teach me when I was a teenager. I just wasn't interested. But about five years ago, I went with Shawn on a TDY (business trip), and while looking for something to keep me occupied while he was working, I bought a skein of yarn and a "teach yourself to crochet" kit - the rest is history. I have spent many afternoon and evening crocheting for the people I love. Last year I made over 40 scarves, prayer shawls and baby blankets for friends and family members. I went a little yarn crazy, stashing it here and there. When we moved I realized how much I had collected and so lately I'm been making scarves for a project at church. But the crochet blogs I follow are about making clothes. This winter I'm making a cardigan for myself. There... I said it out loud, so I hope you'll keep me accountable. I'll post pictures as I go along.

Yummy Lentil Soup
I've always liked cooking, but lately it seems to give me a lot of joy. Maybe it's because I the time to plan and prepare... maybe it's because our tastes have widened and we now like lots of different kinds of foods. I love looking at cooking blogs because they not only give me a recipe but also the story that goes along with it. And pictures... cooking blogs have lots of pictures. Some of my friends have started photographing their food, and I love looking at those pictures. I guess I'm still too much about enjoying the preparation. I never remember to take the pictures until it's already done. I have started posting some recipes on this blog and on my Facebook page. Mostly I just like expanding my repertoire and enjoying the fruit of my labor.  I was really glad when the weather turned cooler so I could start making my Lentil Soup again.

I read a lot of blogs.  Some of them are about crafting.  Many are about cooking.  But the largest number of blogs I read are related to religion and theology. They cover a variety of areas - discipleship, history, current events, missions, sermons, teaching... the list is almost endless, and the authors are always thinking outside of my box or comfort zone. Since I'm not serving a church right now, I think these blogs help me feel connected to the conversations that are happening in churches right now. They help me to push outside of my own perspective. They help me to understand where other people are coming from. They show me how others are living out their faith.

It's easy to get comfortable where we are... to depend on the status quo and just keep doing the same old thing. It's hard to continually expose ourselves to new things... to be willing to stand firm when that is called for and to be willing to change when that change is needed. This holds true for me in what I do for fun, how I care for my family and friends, and how I continue to use my gifts of teaching and friendship in the church and the rest of my life.

So that's where I am right now, blessed and trying to be faithful everyday.  May God bless you wherever you are, too.

Peace in Christ,

"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart.  Wait for the Lord."  Psalm 27:14